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Monitoring of implementation

Kontrola wdrożenia

In the chapter on implementation monitoring you have to show the ways to measure progress in achieving objectives and define how to make adjustments for departures during the implementation of programs. It is a necessary to complement the marketing planning process, because even the best plan will fail if it is not implemented properly.

Implementation of the plan is- allocating tasks to contractors and their coordination. However, its implementation may go either in a way that ensures the success or the defeat. The implementation will fail if the company lacks appropriate resources. The strategy is implemented effectively when the objectives will be achieved at the scheduled time.

Monitoring of the implementation allows to find errors resulting from both the plan itself as well as its implementation. Control system consists of some tools for measuring progress in achieving marketing objectives. They allow insight into the company’s overall situation and condition of the products. If irregularities are detected, you have to revise your plan.

The control system can be divided into formal and informal. The first one is based on a periodic evaluation of operational and strategic activities. In turn, for informal control pervious channels of information flow are needed.

Could be said that the strategic control serves to make right things, while operational control allows to do things properly. Operational control allows to control tactical plans, business performance is evaluated by comparing it to that assumed in the plan. Its task is to make to improve productivity. You can control sales results by using such tools such as: sales analysis, market share analysis, the study of buyers’ attitudes and the like. Also checking the profitability of the company, or an analysis of productivity are being performed.

Firms operate in a volatile environment, the demand may change, the technology may change, a strong player may show up on the market. All of this requires a response, and changes of previously adopted strategy, since it becomes inadequate. Unfortunately, usually the companies are reluctant to strategic control and they do it only when the company would fall into serious trouble. It is best to check strategic control every few years, regularly.

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