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Template of the marketing plan (option II)

 Marketing objectives 

Marketing objectives

– Sales increase ………………;
– Maintenance of the margin ………………;
– ………………

[- presenting specific marketing objectives that can be measured]

 Marketing strategy 

Marketing strategy

Product strategy

The company product will be modified ………………

Pricing strategy

Discounts will be applied ………………

Promotion strategy

Changes in the way of advertising and sales promotion such as should be applied:
– ………………;
– ………………;
– ………………

Distribution strategy

We will introduce new possibilities for submission of orders: ………………

[- determining marketing strategy;
– presenting specific strategies relating to the elements of the marketing -mix]



No. Tasks Months Employee responsible
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1. Extending website Hedwig
2. Campaign of sending leaflets Anna
…………………. ……………..

[- choosing the most important tasks and the time of their implementation;
– Choosing persons responsible for the implementation of particular tasks]

 The budget and profit and loss account 


Implementation of the marketing plan concerning ……………… will increase the operating expenses of the company. The total cost of the implementation of the planned actions is ……………… a detailed budget plan is presented in the table below.

The budget for operating expenses for the year ……………….

Purpose Expenses in …….. % Inflation Increase Other Expenses in ……

Revenues in the period ……………… are ………………

Profit and loss account for the period ……………… is shown in the table below.

Profit and loss account

2012 2013 …………
Cost of sales

[- revenue forecast;
– costs and profit from the conducted actions]

 Monitoring of the implementation 

Monitoring of the implementation

This marketing plan is subject of verification ………………

[- defining ways to measure the achievement of targets;
– taking into account of the need to make adjustments during the implementation]



List of attachments:
– ………………;
– ………………;
– ………………

[- list of attachments]

Polecany poradnik - zawiera wzory i przykłady
Zobacz spis treści (PDF)

Jak szybko napisać plan marketingowy (EBOOK)

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