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Template of the marketing plan (option I)

In short: Summary, Analysis of the situation (Market trends, SWOT Analysis, Analysis of competition), Marketing Strategy (Marketing objectives, Product strategy, Pricing strategy, Promotion strategy, Distribution strategy, Customer service), Finance, Implementation monitoring.
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Monitoring of implementation

Kontrola wdrożenia

In the chapter on implementation monitoring you have to show the ways to measure progress in achieving objectives and define how to make adjustments for departures during the implementation of programs. It is a necessary to complement the marketing planning process, because even the best plan will fail if it is not implemented properly.
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Financial plans

Plany finansowe w planie marketingowym

You must always be aware that the methods adopted by you bear costs. Advertising that you post in newspapers will not get there for free, while in turn, the increase in sales, though beneficial itself, will cause an increase in costs associated with producing the goods etc. Precisely, that is why, before you start, think whether it is cost effective for your business. Not all investments pay for themselves immediately, some require a longer time perspective.
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Marketing objectives

Cele marketingowe w planie marketingowym

This chapter presents specific marketing objectives and it highlights problems that may have an influence on them. This is an important step in the marketing planning, because on the basis of previously gathered information (including among others; its customers, the market) decisions are made as to the direction that the strategy will aim. The whole analytical procedure, you have so far carried out, was leading to this and the next (i.e. defining the strategy) stage.

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