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Promotion and promotion strategy

Promocja i strategia promocji w planie marketingowym

The promotion is a part of the marketing mix, it is a group of marketing instruments having influence on the market. It involves communicating the information about the product. Effective promotion must take into consideration the expectations of the audience which it is addressed to. Once it was identified with a monologue from the company, but now the emphasis is on a dialogue with the client, which is encouraged by modern means of communication. This allows to get a feedback from the customer, which is not to be overestimated.
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Distribution and distribution strategy

Kanały dystrybucji i strategia dystrybucji

When referring to the distribution channels, we have in mind a tactical program corresponding to one of elements of the marketing mix. Distribution channels are an essential link in the process of marketing activity, because thanks to them a product or a service can be provided to the customer. They play the role of an intermediary between the manufacturer and the customer.

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Product and product strategy

Produkt i strategia produktu w planie marketingowym

When referring to the product, it is about tactical program corresponding to one of the elements of the marketing mix. The product is the most important element of the “marketing composition” (the so-called marketing mix). The product is all that you can offer a customer to buy, use, consume, in order to satisfy his/her needs or wishes. It should be shown in terms of customer’s benefits, i.e. what he needs your product for. Remember that if he wants to drive from point A to point B, it does not necessarily mean that he would buy a car.

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Marketing composition (marketing mix)

Kompozycja marketingowa (marketing-mix)

In the sixties professor Neil Borden at Harvard Business School suggested that all actions of the entrepreneur, that are able to have an impact on buyer’s behaviour should make a marketing composition and be planned in such a way as to have the best effect together. Later Jerome McCarthy proposed a marketing composition consisting of the four “p”, thus: product, price, place and promotion, and each of them consisting of several actions.
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SWOT analysis in the marketing plan

Analiza SWOT w planie marketingowym

Before you start writing a marketing plan, you have to learn what the strong and weak points of your business are, what opportunities and risks can occur in its environment. In other words, you should know what the strategic position of the company is and its products on the market. Here, SWOT analysis can be helpful. On this basis, appropriate conclusions for further actions can be drawn.

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Marketing plan – definition

Plan marketingowy - definicja

The main idea of marketing is to combine the company’s potential and customers’ needs in such a way to reach the objectives of both parties. In turn, marketing planning is an important part of building the company’s success. It involves the use of company resources to achieve the marketing objectives, in order to create a competitive advantage.

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Wzór planu marketingowego (wariant I)

Zaprezentowano wzór planu marketingowego składający się z następujących części: Streszczenie, Analiza sytuacji (Trendy rynkowe, Analiza SWOT, Analiza konkurencji), Strategia marketingowa (Cele marketingowe, Strategia produktu, Strategia cenowa, Strategia promocji, Strategia dystrybucji, Obsługa klienta), Finanse, Kontrola wdrożenia.
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Plany finansowe

Plany finansowe w planie marketingowym

Zawsze musisz być świadomy(a), że przyjęte przez Ciebie metody kosztują. Reklama, którą zamieścisz w gazecie, nie znajdzie się tam za darmo, z kolei wzrost sprzedaży, chociaż sam w sobie korzystny, przełoży się na wzrost kosztów związanych z wyprodukowaniem towaru itp. Właśnie dlatego, zanim zaczniesz działać, przemyśl czy jest to opłacalne dla Twojej firmy. Nie wszystkie też inwestycje zwracają się od razu, niektóre wymagają dłuższej perspektywy czasu.
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